What To Bring To A Newborn Session
Leaving the house with a newborn is a PROCESS! It used to be a simple matter of getting yourself ready and walking out the door. Now you suddenly have to consider feeding schedules, sleep schedules, diaper changes, packing extra outfits in case of a blowout (which always happens RIGHT as you’re getting in the car) - I’ve been there. I know how you feel!
That’s why my newborn session prep guide is short and sweet.
What to Pack
Diapers & wipes
Feeding supplies (bring more than you think you’ll need, just in case!)
Pacifier - even if you don’t plan on using one going forward, pacifiers are the secret ingredient to keeping baby settled during the shoot!
Outfits for parents & siblings
For your toddler(s): toys, iPad, snacks, books to keep them occupied when they’re not being photographed
Optional: a white or beige newborn outfit from home
Literally, that’s it. That’s the list.
How To Prepare
Plan your outfits in advance, preferably before baby arrives! I’ll email you a link to my style guide to give you ALL the inspiration.
Familiarize yourself with the Avery Building & Old Town Fort Collins. Take a drive around the block (or check it out on Google Maps) so you’re prepared for parking & finding the studio.
Arrive early to feed your baby & settle in. There is no rush! We want to start baby off on a full tummy so that they are comfortable & content.
Relax & connect as a family.
I’ll Take It From Here!
Once you arrive at the studio, you’ve done the hardest part. It’s time to relax in our beautiful studio space & enjoy this time celebrating your new baby. It’s not uncommon to take a break halfway through if your baby gets hungry again. It’s hard work being the center of attention!
one final note
I specialize in natural newborn photography! That means it’s my job to capture your baby just as they are. Every baby is beautiful, and every baby is unique. Some babies sleep through their entire session, some babies have a long wake window & we get to capture lots of eye contact! Some babies are happiest being held in your arms, and others love being swaddled in my cozy blankets. They don’t need to “behave” any certain way to take beautiful photos. I have a workflow and a plan for sleepy babies & awake babies! I will always make sure that they are safe, comfortable, and that their needs are met. Beyond that, we follow baby’s lead as we tell the unique story of your family & capture those beautiful little newborn features!